

Good advice for clothing and hookers.
Yes, I went there. 
My family is cheap. Call it frugal, or thrifty, or whatever you want, but when it comes down to it, we love a good deal. Which can backfire when you are stupidcheap. Yep, you read that right, all one word. Stupidcheap is when you are so friggin' cheap that you end up spending more money in the long run because you were blinded by a "deal". For example:

  • Stupidcheap is buying this form fitting bridesmaid dress just because of it's super low price, and thinking that it could possibly look good on you two months post-pregnancy. News flash: it won't. Or as your husband will say, "That's not something Spanx can fix". 
  • Stupidcheap is then having to buy a new full price bridesmaid dress to replace the one you bought when trying to be thrifty. 
  • Stupidcheap is putting two loads of wet laundry in the dryer to "save money", resulting in $45 of new parts and three hours of your (super happy) husband's time when the dryer breaks. 
  • Stupidcheap is mixing water with half the recommended amount of Round Up in the sprayer, and then having to spray four separate times to actually kill the weeds.  
  • Stupidcheap is going with a new, untested company to save $12 on a job, and then paying $250 to fix what the new company screws up. 
  • Stupidcheap is when you buy a bottle of wine for $1.97 and spend the next day with a hangover.

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