Info and Such

I've never been to Acapulco.
Also, I have never seen the campy Elvis flick after which my blog is titled. 

I used to have another blog, with followers, and good content, and other nice parts. But life got in the way and I stopped blogging. I still had tons to say, yet I was tired of people knowing who I was. I don't like the whole "your whole life on the internet" thing. Like those people who post every little thing they are doing. Sorry, not my bag. I don't tweet. I don't update my status on Facebook. (Unless it is to complain about being very, VERY pregnant and tired...I did that once out of pure desperation). But back to this blog. If you know me: great, awesome, go with it. If not, don't worry about it. It doesn't matter who I am. I'm just going to write and let it go from there. 
